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coordinate value中文是什么意思

用"coordinate value"造句"coordinate value"怎么读"coordinate value" in a sentence


  • 坐标值


  • Maps an incoming image - field form parameter to appropriate x - coordinate and y - coordinate values
  • Event is handled , the mouse coordinate values are relative to the coordinates of the control that raised the event
  • Some events related to drag - and - drop operations have associated mouse coordinate values that are relative to the form origin or the screen origin
  • Resection is used to determine the coordinates of an instrument station by performing multiple measurements of points whose coordinate values are known
  • A reasonable method to adjust observed coordinate value is put forward for total powerstation traverse in this paper . its validity and feasibility are proved by example
  • Client coordinates ensure that an application can use consistent coordinate values while drawing in a form or control , regardless of the position of the form or control on the screen
  • In two - dimensional space , the sibson coordinate value is the ratio between the areas of voronoi cells , and the voronoi cell is made up of the perpendicular bisector of triangles
    在二维空间中sibson局部坐标值是voronoi单元的面积之比, voronoi单元是由三角划分得到的三角形的中垂线相交构成,计算简单直观。
  • But in 3d space , the sibson coordinate value is the ratio between the volumes of voronoi cells , and the voronoi cell is made up of the perpendicular face
    但推广到三维空间中, sibson局部坐标值变为voronoi单元的体积之比,而且voronoi单元由三角划分得到的四面体棱的中垂面生成, voronoi单元由面变成体,直观性差,计算也变得相当复杂。
  • The implementation uses two - dimension images as input . the arrangement of light spots on the lunar rover and the imaging geometry of the camera are used to compute the three - dimension coordinates of the light spots in camera coordinate system , and after transformation , the world coordinate of the light points . we can then easily get the coordinate value of center of mass of the rover after averaging the world coordinate value of light points
  • Some examples are given in this dissertation . first , the coordinate values of a group of discrete points on the cam profile are achieved by conventional design method which are then used as measured data of the cam profile . then the kinematic analysis of the cam mechanism is performed by the method developed in this paper
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"coordinate value"造句  


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